Guns in the Dryer; Issues When Sighting In
Gun Talk Live 2020
We hear wild gun stories like this often, but we haven’t heard the one about the gun getting stuck in the dryer? Ryan Gresham and Kevin “KJ” Jarnagin discuss a Gun Talk Radio caller that had this very issue. Plus, the crew talks about sighting in issues. Gun Talk LIVE is proudly supported by Colt, Springfield Armory, Ruger, and Sig Sauer.
Up Next in Gun Talk Live 2020
Lights on Guns - Yes or No?
Are you considering putting a light on your gun? Is there such a thing as too much light? Kevin "KJ" Jarnagin and Gary Killingsworth sit down to discuss some lighting options. Gun Talk LIVE is proudly supported by Colt, Sig Sauer and Ruger.
Guns Too Pretty to Shoot
Do you have a gun that is just too pretty to shoot? If so, you may want to rethink that. Gun Talk’s Ryan and KJ dive into the issue that some guns are too pretty to take to the range. Gun Talk LIVE is also proudly supported by Colt, Crimson Trace, and Sig Sauer.
You Shoot an Attacker. Do You Adminis...
Should you render aid to your attacker? Ryan Gresham discusses this with USCCA's Director of Media Kevin Michalowski. Plus, Ryan and Kevin “KJ” Jarnagin dig deep into their safes to show off a few personal guns. Gun Talk LIVE is proudly supported by Colt, Sig Sauer and Ruger.