FPD-Z: When Zombies Attack
FPD Season 9
5m 49s
After a full day of filming First Person Defender, Ryan and KJ pack up to head home when something strange happens... Watch and find out.... if you DARE!
Note: No real guns were used in this video. These were unloaded paintball guns. All gunshots are visual effects, not real. No zombies were hurt in the making of this movie. Zombies are not real and neither were the guns used in this. Always follow the 4 Rules of Gun Safety: https://youtu.be/o6Y7LIJm5gI.
Up Next in FPD Season 9
Shooting To Stop The Threat
Gun Talk's Ryan Gresham discusses the importance of shooting until a threat is stopped - a common issue seen throughout the years with Good Guys on the First Person Defender series.
First Person Defender® puts participants in real-life situations with unknown attackers. FPD Season 9 is brought t...
ER Nurse Fights Back When Confronted ...
In this episode: Our good guy is approached in a dark and isolated section of a parking garage. First Person Defender® puts participants in real-life situations with unknown attackers. FPD Season 9 is brought to you by Colt, Crimson Trace, Ruger, Springfield Armory, and SureFire.
Shoplifter Attacks Store Employee
In this episode: Our good guy is confronted with a violent shoplifter. First Person Defender® puts participants in real-life situations with unknown attackers. FPD Season 9 is brought to you by Colt, Crimson Trace, Ruger, Springfield Armory, and SureFire.