Live stream preview
At OKC Riversports in Oklahoma City, KJ starts his visit back to his home state with some Class III and IV rapids! Plus, sighting in and prepping for the night hunt - the Ruger 5.56 in .300 Blackout, Trijicon IR Hunter, and Black Hills Ammunition, and a full Sig rig (Echo1 thermal sight and the MCX in .300 Blackout) for Brad.
Up Next in Season 2
Sooner State Long Shot: P2
With their hunting rifles and optics at the ready, KJ and Brad wait for the hogs... and wait... and wait. Until finally - success!
Sooner State Long Shot: P3
Justin Watts of Fouled Bore Precision - home of the "Silent Night" long range suppressed shoot - demonstrates free recoil method for shooting long range.
Sooner State Long Shot: P4
KJ issues a challenge to Justin, Brad and Mike: Shoot his watch, hanging 200 yards away, using only the iron sights on an M1A.