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What's New From B5 Systems?

Featured Carousel • 13m

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  • The Ruger RXM Rundown

    Ruger and Magpul combine to create a super gun! Ryan Gresham dives into the new Ruger RXM with Tabor Bright of Ruger and Drake Clark of Magpul.

    This Gun Talk Nation is brought to you by Ballistic Advantage, SecureIt, Silencer Central, Vortex Optics, SDS Imports, Range Ready Studios, Hodgdon Pow...

  • Ruger RXM: A Game-Changing Collaborat...

    Discover the innovative Ruger RXM, born from a three-year collaboration between Ruger and Magpul. This 9mm midsize handgun features a 15-round magazine and an optics-ready cut that accommodates the most popular red dots without needing an adapter plate. The fire control insert (FCI) is the stando...

  • Selecting the Best Tool for the Job

    Have you ever stripped a bolt or flat head on one of your favorite safe queens? Sometimes, all it takes is the right tool for the job. Chris Cerino details a Wheeler Tools set that is the pinnacle of gunsmithing toolsets.

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