In this episode: Customers and employees are caught in the cross-fire when someone gets angry.
First Person Defender® puts participants in real-life situations with unknown attackers. FPD Season 9 is brought to you by Colt, Crimson Trace, Ruger, Springfield Armory, and SureFire.
Up Next in Season 9
Know When to Reload by Sight
Trainer Andrew Blubaugh demonstrates how to use your sights to anticipate a needed reload, using the Springfield Armory XDm and HEX Dragonfly red dot. Buy it now at
Contractor Attacked by Trespasser
In this episode: A contractor and the property owner encounter a trespasser. FPD Season 9 is brought to you by Colt, Crimson Trace, Ruger, Springfield Armory, and SureFire.
How to Zero a Red Dot
Trainer Chris Cerino demonstrates how to zero a red dot on a self-defense pistol, using the Ruger MAX-9. Search for your red dot at, and a MAX-9 at