Cryptocurrency for Gun Shops
GTR 2021
The discriminatory practices from Operation Choke Point instituted by the Obama/Biden administration still linger. If gun stores can’t process credit cards or take out loans, then they can’t run a successful business. Rob McNealy of TUSC joins Gun Talk’s Tom Gresham to explain this new open-sourced software system that’s like “Bitcoin for guns”, and how it works.
Up Next in GTR 2021
The Best Caliber for Nuisance Coyotes
Gary calls the show to ask Gun Talk's Tom Gresham about the best lever-action to take care of his coyote problem: a .222, a .22-250, the .223, or a .243?
Help for What Comes After a Self-Defe...
Armed Citizens' Legal Defense Network founder Marty Hayes explains the difference between ACLDN's aid and self-defense insurance, and how the network helps in the aftermath of a shooting, while talking with Gun Talk's Tom Gresham. Find out more at
Update on Bump Stock Ban Case
Gun rights activist Clark Aposhian updates Gun Talk's Tom Gresham on the latest legal moves in the "bump stock case". Find out more and donate to the cause at