Good Guy Shot by Police; Self-Defense Lessons
GTR 2021
Officers in Arvada, Colorado were on a suspicious persons call. When the officer arrived on the call, he was gunned down. A good guy with a gun moves in to save the day, but was shot and killed by police officers. What lessons can we learn from this tragedy? Tom and trainer Chris Cerino dive into this situation and where we go from here.
Up Next in GTR 2021
Steve Gould and the World’s Longest C...
Steve Gould, one half of the Gould Brothers exhibition team, joins Gun Talk’s Tom Gresham to talk about his 180 foot world record clay pigeon shot with Federal Ammunition’s TSS round. Listen to the rest of the interview at, and find the Gould Brothers at https://www.gouldbr...
Negligent Discharge; Call to Oppose C...
Gun Talk’s Tom Gresham discusses some items you might have seen in the news this week: a negligent discharge at the range leads to a discussion about a “9mm automatic” and the war of semantics. Plus, the vote on David Chipman as the head of the ATF has been postponed – Call two numbers today: 202...
New AR Hunter, Plus Bullet v. Cartridge
Gun Talk’s Tom Gresham talks with Brent, who is looking at building his first AR for hunting for a variety of reasons. Tom goes over some key points, plus explains the difference in the cartridge versus the bullet.