Should You Start Handloading?
GTR 2021
Is it too late to start loading your own rounds? Lou Smith of Reloading All Day and The Avid Shooter talks with Gun Talk’s Tom Gresham about how one can get started in loading your own ammunition, the benefits of reloading, and some sage safety advice for all. Find out more at
Up Next in GTR 2021
What Can Gun Owners Learn from Ritten...
Gun Talk’s Tom Gresham talks about some of the lies mainstream media reports continued to propagate throughout and after the Rittenhouse trial, and also some takeaways for all gun owners.
Reflection and Reaction to Rittenhous...
Gun Talk’s Tom Gresham discusses the recent acquittal on all counts of Kyle Rittenhouse last week. Tom also talks about the dangers of riots, who is actually protesting, and the stream of misinformation that circulated inside and outside of the courtroom.
Can a Non-Violent Felon Use a Gun for...
Wes calls the Gun Talk After Show to ask Tom, Jim, and Michelle about using a gun as a convicted felon. He committed a non-violent offense and is now a felon, but his wife owns guns. If something bad happens and he needs to use his wife’s gun, is that legal?