VATA Group's Greg Lapin talks with the legendary General John K. "Jack" Singlaub in this GunDealio bonus footage. General Singlaub is a highly decorated former OSS officer, a founding member of the Central Intelligence Agency, and a retired Major General in the United States Army.
Up Next in Season 1
Bonus: Concealed Carry Gun Options
RECOIL Magazine's Iain Harrison discusses some different options to carry concealed, and some pros and cons of each gun.
Rise of the Robots - Full Episode
VATA Group's Greg Lapin and Destin Mounts head to Tennessee for some high-tech training drills against robots, testing their skills with stress-test exercises. To take a break, they go for a spin around a defensive driving track.
Expedition Arizona - Full Episode
Tom heads west to visit with RECOIL Magazine's Iain Harrison. While testing products at the range, visiting with local gun companies, and even shooting a flame-thrower, Tom still has time to take a jeep tour of the red rocks of Sedona.