Make Sure Your Guns Go To The Right People
GTR 2020
5m 0s
Tom and the After Show crew discuss some options of what to do with your guns to make sure they fall into the RIGHT hands if you no longer want them or in the event of your passing, after seeing a story about a man who had more than 100 guns, didn't have anyone that wanted them, so he turned them into the police who in turn destroyed ALL of them.
Up Next in GTR 2020
Which Guns to Buy as a First Time Gun...
Bill wants to buy a handgun, a shotgun, and a rifle. He doesn't currently own any guns, and didn't grow up around them, so needs help as to what he should be looking for when purchasing.
Why Did You Become Your Own First Res...
Anita made the decision to become her own first responder - Find out what changed her mind, and what steps she took.
THAT Scene from Blazing Saddles
Tom tells the After Show crew about the "Behind the Movie" story of Mel Brooks, Slim Pickens, and that infamous chuck wagon scene from Blazing Saddles.