Protecting 2A Rights on Federal Land
GTR 2021
7m 53s
Senator Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) discusses the Recreational Lands Self-Defense Act with Gun Talk’s Tom Gresham. This legislation would “restore Second Amendment rights of individuals recreating on lands managed by the U.S. Army Corps of engineers”, which includes more than 12 million acres in the US. Read more at
Up Next in GTR 2021
Important Reminder If You Carry A Gun
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Should You Give a Verbal Warning Befo...
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Women Fighting for Gun Rights
The number of women fighting for gun rights continues to grow. The DC Project’s Dianna Muller joins Gun Talk’s Tom Gresham to discuss the current fight to protect our gun rights, how the DC Project was formed, and where the organization is headed. Plus, Dianna delivers training to the DC Project’...